NCS was a transformative experience for me. I wouldn't be where I am today either personally or professionally without the skills and knowledge I gained at NCS. I included NCS in my will to ensure that other girls benefit from the same experiences that made me who I am today.

Lauren E. Adler '85, Cornerstone Society member
Thank you for considering a planned gift to National Cathedral School to fulfill your financial and philanthropic goals. While exploring options, you may discover that:
  • You can achieve a greater imprint than you previously thought possible.
  • You can provide for yourself and loved ones while simultaneously supporting NCS's future.
  • You can create a significant financial and philanthropic legacy that reflects your belief in the power of NCS to prepare extraordinary women for a lifetime of learning.
  • You can show your gratitude for an impactful education and welcoming community of NCS faculty and staff that played a significant role in your life or the life of someone you love.
  • You can inspire future generations of NCS leaders and be recognized as a Cornerstone Society member.
By making a planned gift, you join other alumnae, parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends who experience the tremendous fulfillment of providing for the long-term health of NCS while making wise financial planning decisions for themselves and their families.

We happily accept a variety of planned gifts and invite you to discover which type of gift can best fit your goals. Contact the NCS Development Department at (202) 537-6667 or For quick reference, brief descriptions of common planned giving options can be found below.

Learn About Planned Gift Opportunities

List of 3 items.

  • About Bequests—An Impactful Gift With Zero Cost Today

    Including National Cathedral School as a beneficiary of your will can lead to a significant gift with little or no cost during your lifetime and can reduce the rate at which your estate is taxed. You can tailor your bequest as you like using a specific dollar amount, a percentage, a residual remainder after all other estate distributions are met, or a contingent bequest that requires certain conditions to be met for the gift to take effect.

    Below are some examples of ways to phrase a bequest to NCS when working with your attorney.

    Specific Sum:
    I give, devise, and bequeath to National Cathedral School, 3612 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DC 20016, tax ID #: 53-0196604, the sum of $___ (or describe the specific property you intend to bequeath)."

    A Percentage:
    "I give, devise and bequeath to National Cathedral School, 3612 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DC 20016, tax ID #: 53-0196604, ___% of my estate, both real and personal property of whatever kind and wheresoever situated."

    A Residual Remainder:
    "I give, devise and bequeath to National Cathedral School, 3612 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DC 20016, tax ID #: 53-0196604, all (or __%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal property of whatever and wheresoever situated."

    Contingent Bequest:
    "If any of the above named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby bequeath his/her share of my estate to National Cathedral School, 3612 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DC 20016, tax ID #: 53-0196604.

    It is important to consult with your own advisors when making a planned gift. NCS can help you think about your options, but we cannot provide tax or financial advice.
  • About Beneficiaries, Retirement, and IRA Plans—The Easiest Type of Gift

    Retirement plans offer a simple tax-efficient way to invest in the school's future. You can designate NCS as a primary or contingent beneficiary of all or part of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and/or 401(k), profit-sharing, Keogh, and 403(b) plans. Retirement plan assets are a tax-wise gift because in larger estates left to a loved one, these assets could be taxed through both estate and income tax.

    Life Insurance Beneficiaries
    Do you have a life insurance policy that no longer serves its original purpose? Consider gifting it to NCS. If ownership of the policy (as an individual or couple) is transferred to NCS, then you may be eligible for an immediate income tax deduction, and the value left to NCS will not be includable in your estate. If you'd rather retain ownership, consider making NCS a whole or partial beneficiary of your existing policy.

    If NCS is designated as a beneficiary of a new life insurance policy, you may be eligible for an income tax deduction of premiums. Further, the school will consider accepting partially paid policies or term policies. When the policy matures, NCS will credit the surrender value or insurance proceeds as an outright gift.

    It is important to consult with your own advisors when making a planned gift. NCS can help you think about your options, but we cannot provide tax or financial advice.
  • About Charitable Income Gifts—Maintain a Stable Income and Support NCS

    There are several ways you can support NCS while managing income now or over an extended period. The Episcopal Church Foundation in New York City is available as a resource and prospective administrator for donors with interest in life income gifts. Donors are encouraged to provide National Cathedral School with of a copy of the trust life income agreement before execution. Read about a few types of income gifts below.

    Charitable Gift Annuities
    A charitable gift annuity provides fixed annual payments to you or loved ones in exchange for your gift. Charitable gift annuities can provide supplemental income during retirement and provide an immediate tax deduction when the gift is established. When the annuity ceases, the remainder value goes to NCS.

    Charitable gift annuity payments can be established immediately, or they can be deferred for several years to meet your particular needs such as increased payouts during later years when you may be in a lower income tax bracket and your need for income may increase.

    Charitable Remainder Trusts
    A charitable remainder annuity trust is a managed charitable trust that pays you or loved ones an annual income that is either fixed or based on a fixed percentage of the initial value of the trust's assets. It can also pay additional loved ones. The duration of the trust is for life, twenty years, or a combination, depending on the terms. The remainder value is provided to NCS after these terms are satisfied or after the lifetime of the income beneficiary.

    After the lifetime of the beneficiary[es] or the terms expiration, the remainder value is directed to NCS.

    A charitable remainder unitrust provides income that is based on a fixed percentage of the trust's assets as they are annually valued. You can receive an income tax deduction based on the value of the trust when it is established and pay no capital gain on the assets that are used to create the trust agreement.

    Charitable Lead Trusts
    A charitable lead trust operates in the reverse order of a charitable remainder trust. You can contribute annual income directly to NCS from a lead trust and become eligible for an income tax-deduction when the trust is established. When the trust agreement ends, the trust's principal reverts to you or to other designated beneficiaries, including grandchildren.

    It is important to consult with your own advisors when making a planned gift. NCS can help you think about your options, but we cannot provide tax or financial advice.
If you have already included NCS in your estate plans or are considering doing so, please let us know. We would like to welcome you as a member of the Cornerstone Society, a group of forward-thinking community members who have initiated planned gifts. Your commitment to the future of NCS should be rightly and appropriately recognized.

We are immensely grateful to our Cornerstone Society members who have made such meaningful commitments to the future of National Cathedral School!

Cornerstone Society Members

Anonymous (4)
Lauren Adler '85
Allison Glosser Aldrich '87
Gail & William Andrus
Jennifer Andrus '86
Helen Gill Arnold '83
Nancy Stead Atwood '62
Madeline Austin 1917*
Kathy Krug Barron '60
S. Cynthia Baughman '73
Anne Kidder Beatty '39*
Virena Plamer Beaudette*
Llewellyn & James Bensfield
Anice Robertson Berthier 1922*
Zachariah Blackistone*
Carolyn Vinson Bou '78
Louise E. Boyd 1918*
Anja Brau '94
Marilyn Pond Brigham '73
Mary B. Bronaugh '30*
Anne Wright Brown ’61
Dorothy Nulton Browning 1927*
Collette & Anthony Bruce
Nancy Brumbaugh '49*
Catherine Sheehan Bruno '87
Barbara Brylawski
Bud Brylawski*
Betsy Christenberry Holleman Burke '60
Helen Burnham '92
Diane Burr-Dickey '62
William Busby*
Marcia Webb Buxton '61*
Katherine Aires Byrnes '88
Eloise Richberg Campbell '44*
Anne Conover Carson*
Diana Waterous Centorino '70
Margaret Chisholm '47*
Ruth Banks Clarke 1927*
Mary Park Clements*
Sarah Clemmitt '83
Shanti Conly
Alexandra Cook ’78 
Joan Crandall '58*
Georgia Watson Craven 1925*
Margaret Creel '76
Keith Crudgington '80
Jane Lemon Daly '61
Harriett Dame*
Joan* & Stephen Danzansky
Susan Graham Davidge*
Margaret Church Demme '54*
Deborah Dewar '64*
Richard W. Dirksen*
Holly Bates Dodge '47*
Martha Brooks Donovan '51*
Katherine Earls '96
LeMoyne Ellicot*
Joan Ellis & Anders Bjorgung
Mary Alice Horstick Eschweiler '66
Mary Leith Ewing '31*
Deborah Exel*
Jeremy Hardy FitzGerald '57
Nancy & Ronald Fletcher
Jenny Schwebel Garrett '92
Nancy Abbot Generelly '48*
Katie Hamilton Gewirz '85
Penny Glass '59
Diana & Steve Goldberg
Cathy Goodell '68*
Greta Granet*
Harriet Beth Granet '70*
Emily Graves '77
Nora Gunneng '69
Susan Gutchess '68
Adele & Parker Harrell
Elizabeth Haile Hayes & David J. Hayes
Winifred Eskrigge Hertzberg 1929*
Alice Hill '74
Barbara Hill '34*
Jan Holderness '56
Edith Holiday & Terrence Adamson
Tanya Holton '85
Susan Eichelbaum Homestead '55*
Karen Slaughter Hoover '68
Jan King Evans Houser '50
Patricia Hughes*
Thomas Hyde*
Mary Ihde
Henry F. Jacobs*
Janet G. Jacobs
Bonnie & Ed James
Kathleen O'Neill Jamieson & Daniel H. Jamieson, Jr.
Debbie Principato Jessiman '79
Mary E. Johnston 1908*
Beth Jones '69
Blair Jones '61
Frank Cox Jones*
Jean McMillen Jones 1929*
Lisa L. Jones '93
Flora Macdonald Joslin 1924*
Melinda & John Kenney
George John Keto*
Maggie Hill King '41
John Sumner Koch*
Pixie Allnutt Kubeck '55
Marya Thompson Larson '40*

Elizabeth Adams Lasser '78
Avice Stevens Lea '46*
Virginia Lee
Stan Legro*
Debra Lehman-Smith
Margaret Rood Lenzner '63
Mary Key Lewis '30*
Janet & Keith M. Lindgren
Keith M. Lindgren
Jean Chisholm Lindsey '44*
Dora Anne Little '63
Aileen Boswell Carlson Lowry*
Janie Smallridge Luedde '66*
Betty Luke '47*
Mary Jane Luke '44*
Carolyn Jamison Lynch 1914*
Jessie MacDonald*
Jennifer Porter MacKenzie '82
Maralyn Elmore Marsteller '80
Patty Noble Mason '62
Brooks McClure*
Virginia Waterman McDonald '60
Patricia DuBois McIsaac '50*
Margaret & Peter McLachlan
Sewell Freeman McLeod '58
Helen Sterling Montgomery '46*
Elizabeth Shumate Morgan 1929*
Corkie Morrill '57
Patricia Morris '61*
Marie-Louise Murville '78
Mary Owens Naftzger '58
Jill McKelvie Neilsen '62
Shelley & C.O. North
Julia Foulke Oat '41*
Courtney Prettyman Paddock '37*
Cissy Patterson*
Margaret Struble Pazzetti '33*
Gail Perrin '56*
Johanna "Jo" Peters '54*
Gail Peterson '61*
PC Pitts '75
Lloyd Leva Plaine '65*
Jean Preer
Reenie Black Prettyman '60
McCall Henderson Ravercomb '44*
Carole Freeland Raymond '60
A. Harmer Reeside*
Gail Richardson*
Anne Wilson Robbins '49
Rucha Robinson '62*
David Robinson-Slemp
John Rodgers
Lynn Rogerson
Wallace Ruckert*
Patricia Sagon '67
Rosemary Morse Schofield '40*
Evelyn Keenan Seely '53
Hilary Holman Shaw '87
Margot Strong Semler Shorb '50*
Sharon Siegener '61*
Ambler Bowie Slabe '64
Jocey Arundel Sladen '48*
Eleanor Potts Snodgrass '44*
Catharine & Richard Snowdon
Susan P. Snowdon
Ann Denny Solodar '58
Mary Dutcher Spurgeon '31*
Elsie Bellingrath Stebbins '32*
Amanda Crawford Stifel '92
Janie Ruffner Stirling '48
Aline Munson Sullivan '37*
Dinah Sunday '69
Mary Louise Lee Symcox '49
Lily Tanaka*
Michele Tanaka '73*
Jane S. Tarbell 1929*
Carol Cross Thompson '59*
Carol Ellis Thompson
Victoria Thompson Tillotson ’63
Sarah Powers Trapnell 1919*
Melesse Werkheiser Traylor '56*
Gayle & Joel Trotter
Walter Tuckerman 1904*
Catherine Tyssowski 1907*
Katherine Uehling '33*
James Valliant*
Millicent Adams Vesper*
Mary Madeville Voorhess 1919*
Robyn Peeples Walsh '36*
Lyle Sinrod Walter '87
Louise W. Walters 1923*
Teri Allen Walters '80
Carolyn Johnson Warner '54
Wendy Weiger '79
Emily Werheiser '90
Sarah Whitehouse '82
Karen & Wesley Williams
Karen Williams*
Jill & Roger Witten
Elizabeth Stair Woodbridge 1925*
Janvier C. Young '70
Lisa Zirkin '59
* deceased