A few hallmarks of the NCS experience:
Beta Day
Each spring, fifth graders identify innovative solutions to real world problems, such as pollution in the Potomac and invasive species in the Chesapeake. Using design thinking methodology, students conduct research, talk to experts, and propose creative approaches that they share with their peers and families.
Opening Day and Flag Raising
On Opening Day, seniors hold hands with fourth graders to enter the Cathedral for the first all-school Service and the kick-off of their last year on the Close. The entire community—students, faculty, staff, and families—listens to the Head of School’s homily, introducing that year’s theme, and joins together in prayer and song. Then the community gathers on the North Lawn for the raising of the American flag that will wave above campus throughout the school year until it is lowered on Flag Day in June.
Spirit Day
On arriving at NCS, every new student and employee is named to either the Purple or the Gold team and maintains that affiliation throughout their NCS tenure (and beyond—ask any alumna and she will tell you her team color immediately!). The last Friday in September is Spirit Day when the two teams don their colors (clothing, wigs, and/or face paint) and engage in fun events and friendly competition, including a shouting match across Woodley Road!
Gift for an Unknown Child
At an all-school Cathedral service in December, each member of the NCS community brings a wrapped gift for a local child. After the service, student and parent volunteers sort and deliver the gifts to children and families served by NCS’s local partner organizations.
Poetry Slam
Middle School students support their peers enthusiastically at an annual springtime Poetry Slam, as 7th and 8th grade poets drop their alliterations, imagery, and rhymes. The students share works that they developed in and outside of their English classes, and the audience cheers and whoops in appreciation.