In 1900, NCS opened its doors to just over 50 students. 
In 2025, NCS delivers transformational educational experiences to nearly 600 students and has seen thousands of young women graduate, going on to make lasting, positive impacts on the world. Many credit their NCS experience as pivotal in shaping them into the individuals they are today. 
While much has evolved – for example, today’s Grace Chapel had a previous life as our gymnasium – what remains constant is our belief in the spark that lies in each of our students, ignited by their teachers, fellow students, and families.  
A spark to learn and try new things, to speak up and get involved, make a positive difference, and above all, a spark to support each other.  
We celebrate our 125th anniversary, not simply with candles and cake, but also as a moment to reflect on our history and chart a course for the future – doing so in ways to give us a chance to continue to strengthen our community as we root for each other, and for NCS.  
Across 2025, we invite you to come (back) to NCS, celebrate, and learn where we are heading. 
In addition to our 125th anniversary events, we’re planning a host of fun and celebratory activities, grounded in our core values, for our students, alumnae, families, and faculty and staff: 

  • Student-designed anniversary logo competition 
  • Faculty and staff 125 fitness challenge 
  • Student-led community video interviews 
  • Alumnae homilies on each of our core values at Cathedral services 
  • Faculty and staff community-building celebrations 
  • Celebratory swag for all 
  • And more! 

Our 125th festivities will culminate on Friday, Oct. 17, 2025 with a day full of a Friday Cathedral service in the Amphitheater, divisional community service projects, and much cake and merriment. At night, the evening will be full of excitement in the Washington National Cathedral where we will hold a 125th Anniversary Celebration to pay respect to our past and share our strategic vision for NCS’s future. 

Road to 125 Events