Weekend Schedule

This is a highlight reel of what you can expect over Reunion Weekend 2025. Check back soon as we are frequently adding more events and information.


Retirement Celebration Honoring Pedro Martinez, Rita Rajen, and Martin Yancey 
4:00 - 5:30 pm 
Curran Courtyard 
Join NCS faculty and staff, past and present, to celebrate the careers of Director of Buildings and Grounds Pedro Martinez, Middle School Social Science Teacher Rita Rajen, and Director of Technology Martin Yancey. 

3rd Annual Reunion Weekend Kick-Off Happy Hour, Hosted by the Alumnae Advisory Group 
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Head of School’s House
RSVP Required; Free Event


Reunion Registration & Hospitality Suite
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Alumnae Parlor, Hearst Hall 
Enjoy a slideshow of photos from the archives, fill a swag bag, have a snack, or simply kick your heels up in the alumnae hospitality suite!
Middle and Upper School Class Visits & Student-led Campus Tours
Throughout the day

Lower School Chapel Service featuring Alumna Homilist(s) TBA
9:00 am 
Grace Chapel, Woodley North 

Flower Mart 
10:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Center for Ethical Leadership and Service (CELS) Open House
10:00 am 
Middle School Commons, Woodley North 
Founded in 2013, CELS at NCS is rooted in the Episcopal tradition and core values of excellence, service, courage, and conscience. CELS helps students develop empathy, personal identity, and a global perspective, fostering connections across differences in an interconnected world. It houses the Offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); Community Service; and Global Programs, providing opportunities for students to explore their relationships to both local and global communities.
NCS: The First 125 Years*
11:00 am 
Dalton Room at the Virginia Mae Center
Please join us for this archival presentation given by visiting former faculty member, Elna Clevenger. 

Alumnae in Focus: Share Your NCS Story with Future Filmmakers
12:00 - 1:00 pm 
4th Floor, Gray Library 
In honor of our 125th anniversary, you’re invited to be interviewed by 7th and 8th Grade students in digital filmmaking. Spots for this class are limited; registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
RSVP Required; Free Event

Alumnae Association Induction Luncheon Honoring the Class of 2025
12:45 - 2:00 pm 
Hearst Hall Auditorium 
Join the Class of 2025 for lunch and welcome them to the 0s and 5s Reunion cycle! During this special luncheon, Seniors will receive their Alumnae Association pins. 
RSVP Required; Free Event

31st Annual Kente Cloth Ceremony* & Reception 
2:30 pm 
Grace Chapel, Woodley North 
Join members of the Black Student Union (BSU), Black Parent Alliance (BPA), and the Black Alumnae Association (BAA), for NCS’s Kente Cloth Ceremony—the annual induction of senior members of the BSU into the BAA.
Toast to 125
4:00 - 6:00 pm 
Courtyard at the Virginia Mae Center
Join Head of School Elinor Scully for a cocktail hour in celebration of NCS’s 125th anniversary. Members of the Class of 2000 will receive a gift to honor their 25th Reunion. 
28th Annual NCS/STA BBQ
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Senior Circle, St. Albans
Join fellow NCS and STA alumni for an enjoyable evening on the Close, featuring BBQ, games, and activities for the whole family!
RSVP Required; $25 per person, kids under 12 free 


Reunion Registration & Hospitality Suite
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Alumnae Parlor, Hearst Hall 

Student-led Campus Tours
Throughout the Day

T’ai Chi with Jessica Trosten Lewis ’80 
9:00 am 
Courtyard, Virginia Mae Center 
Start your day with alumna Jessica Lewis, CPT, CNC, the founder of Sculpt Your Life® and T'ai Chi Chih for Veterans, for an hour t’ai chi session in the beautiful courtyard of the Virginia Mae Center. Chairs will be provided for those who may need additional support. 

Flower Mart
10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Alumnae Memorial Service*
10:30 - 11:30 am 
Grace Chapel, National Cathedral School
This service is in memory of NCS alumnae in Reunion classes who have passed away. Please join us for this time of reflection and remembrance.

Alumnae Awards Luncheon*
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Auditorium, Hearst Hall
Join us as we honor alumnae receiving awards for Excellence, Service, Courage, Conscience, and the Bettie Warner Thompson ’46 Lifetime Achievement Award. The winner of the Hollerith-Ouverson Award and Board of Visitors Trophy will also be announced during this celebratory luncheon. Please visit our Alumnae Awards page for more information on past awardees and to nominate classmates.
RSVP Required; $25 per person 

Class Photos
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Hearst Hall Auditorium 

Fifty & Fabulous: A (Belated) 50th Reunion Toast to the Class of 1970
5:00 - 6:00 pm 
Smiley’s Garden, Gifted in Honor of Harriet “Smiley” Granet ’70
RSVP Required; Free Event

50th Reunion Dinner Honoring the Class of 1975
6:30 - 8:30 pm 
Refectory, Virginia Mae Center
RSVP Required; Free Event
Class-Sponsored Dinners and Events
Off the Close 
For more information, please visit our Class Events page


Early Sunday Holy Eucharist   
8:00 am
Washington National Cathedral   
Principal Sunday Holy Eucharist *
11:15 am
Washington National Cathedral  or Livestream
Legacy Picnic: Celebrating 125 Years of NCS Families  
12:15 pm  
North Lawn, Hearst Hall 
You’re invited to join us for a Legacy Picnic honoring multi-generational NCS families. If your mother, aunt, grandmother, OR great-grandmother attended or attends NCS, we would love to celebrate you and your family at our 125th picnic. 
RSVP Required; $25 per person, current NCS students free

*Also offered virtually. Event location and times are subject to change. 
Important Reunion Resources